The schizophrenic mind is not so much split as shattered. I like to say schizophrenia is like a waking nightmare.

Elyn Saks



My Opinion

At first I didn't know that Schizophrenia and bipolar disorders was so severe and deadly.Only because in everyday life i never really hear about it, I usually hear about shootings, murders, and kidnapping. I picked this topic to talk about because a classmate told me that Amanda Bynes had Schizophrenia and i didn't know the meaning of it so I looked more into it. To be honest, I think teenagers play around with the word "bipolar" a lot. For an example, someone would be happy one minute, irritated the next minute, happy the next minute ,than automatically assume "they're bipolar". Maybe if everyone knew how serious this issue was they wouldn't be so quick to say they're bipolar. So I made a blog about Schizophrenia. This connects back to history because due to the misunderstanding of psychology the church believed schizophrenia was their because of demon possession and people believed that the women messed around with Satan the time it was believed that demon possession was a side affect of their unholy powers.


  1. i liked how you connected this ilnesss to the past with the misunderstanding of religion

  2. I like how you connected it back to religion and their lack of accemptance.

  3. I agree with this because I hear a lot of people calling others bipolar but they don't actually mean.

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