The schizophrenic mind is not so much split as shattered. I like to say schizophrenia is like a waking nightmare.

Elyn Saks




Many people in the world don't know that Amanda Bynes has Schizophrenia and how SICK she gets from this illness. If Amanda stops taking her medication her life would be at risk
Amanda Bynes: Showing Signs of Schizophrenia, Violent Mood Swings, "Severe Mental Illness"


People have different perspectives about Schizophrenia or bipolar disorders. Some people might feel as though it's not as severe or harmless as many other illnesses and diseases and that its just a "personality split". People might have the idea set in their head that its "just a bipolar disorder" and that people have mood swings everyday. However, people with Schizophrenia have a higher risk of cancer so don't over look this severe issue.


  1. very informative learned something new!!!

  2. this is sad, these people need some serious attention and need to be made fun of

  3. How is cancer and schizophrenia related medically ?

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